3 Signs You Might Need A Professional Photo Editor (For Photographers)

For Photographers

I’m taking a detour from my typical wedding photographer content to share a bit of insight into the world of photo editing. If you’ve been around for some time, you may have picked up that I am a professional photo editor for fellow wedding and portrait photographers! I don’t talk about it much, but it is a part of my business that has brought so much satisfaction.

As a wedding photographer myself, I know how hard it can be to crunch on approaching deadlines and work through tough editing situations to make clients happy. It’s also hard to criticize yourself constantly. Endless days and long nights of editing are grueling (for any of my couples who are reading this, now you know!) The 8-10 hour wedding day is nothing in comparison to the hard work that comes after the camera is put to rest.

If you relate to that, then it’s time to consider outsourcing your photo editing to a professional. There are a lot of reasons photographers are hesitant to outsource, but I’m sharing 3 signs that you are the right candidate for professional photo editing so you can make the leap and get your life back!

1. Editing is taking you too long to deliver to clients early.

As a wedding photographer, you might be telling your couples to expect their wedding photos within 6-8 weeks. Or 4-6 weeks, whichever is more your speed. But here’s the hard truth – the biggest level of excitement happens while the couple is still on their honeymoon! After that, real life has set back in and couples are slammed with catching up at work or unpacking boxes in their new home. They have less time or energy to sort through hundreds of images, despite their enthusiasm to relive their wedding day.

Your golden window of opportunity to serve your couples well would be to send them their images before they even return from their honeymoon 2 weeks later, or at least very shortly after that. A professional photo editor is a GREAT resource to help you achieve that goal! You can wow your clients without ever stressing about looming deadlines!

2. You have an overbooked calendar.

Nothing kills creativity like having too much on your plate. You need to be showing up for your current clients with the same high-energy enthusiasm that you promised when they booked you. But a super-stuffed calendar can be draining, demotivating, and dreadful. I’ve been there. It almost makes you not want to go to the shoot at all because you know it will add one more editing project to your plate.

You and your clients deserve better. Hire a helping hand to knock out those projects during the busy season! Plus, the people in your life miss you. Free yourself from endless late night editing sessions and get back to the parts of your life that matter the most to you!

3. Editing is your least favorite part of the job.

Let’s face it. There are just some parts of being a photographer that are less fun than others. Hyping up clients and nailing the shot? FUN! Getting home to a queue of 500 or more images? Less fun. Business taxes? Don’t get me started (by the way, if you need a great accountant, I LOVE working with Rocco Tundo, and he serves photographers across the U.S.) But back to the point…

Some photographers love editing, while others see it more like a necessary evil to get the project across the finish line. Maybe you enjoy editing your sneak peeks, but after that you’re ready to move on. Great news! A professional photo editor can take those sneak peek edits and finish the gallery for you! They’re called anchor images, and they are key to making sure an editor matches your style as close as possible, as if you did it yourself.

“Do I Need A Professional Photo Editor?”

I think if you identify with one or more of the above, then the answer might just be “YES!” But the only way to find out for sure is to schedule a free consultation with me. I will ask you about your pain points, editing style, and goals. Then I’ll lay out a roadmap with you to show you how my services can help you get there, or if we’re even the right fit.

I have limited spots available throughout the wedding season, so don’t wait to inquire, even if it means you won’t send me your first project for a few months still! Contact me today and let’s take one more thing off your plate so we can bring peace and joy back into your life and business.

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