
Wedding Tips

The Daddy-Daughter First Look Explained | DC Wedding Photographer

My Dad at our Daddy-Daughter First Look | Photo by Katelyn James Photography

Tomorrow is the birthday of a very special man in my life… my daddy! I am a shameless daddy’s girl, because I truly have the best of them. My dad is my rock – has been for my whole life. So, in honor of his birthday, I wanted to share my experience at my Daddy-Daughter First Look at my wedding, as well as break down some tips for planning this special moment on your wedding day with your father.

What Is A Daddy-Daughter First Look

First things first, if you are a newly engaged bride, maybe this concept is new to you. There are so many terms in wedding world that it can get confusing. The idea of a First Look is the first time certain people in your wedding see you in your bridal attire. Usually it refers to your First Look with your groom, a somewhat new tradition where the groom sees you before the ceremony. But the Daddy-Daughter First Look is a moment that happens shortly after stepping into your wedding dress. And it’s reserved for the man who loved you first… your dad!

My ‘Daddy-Daughter First Look’ Experience

My Dad at our Daddy-Daughter First Look | Photo by Katelyn James Photography

The morning of my wedding was not quite how I pictured it. It was filled with a flurry of bittersweet emotions. I remember being so in my head that I couldn’t enjoy time with my bridesmaids like I wanted to. I was rushing around trying to remember all the little things I had to bring with me to the venue. And I also was being fussed over to get my hair and makeup done.

But when time came to step into my dress, it was just me, my mom, and my photographers. Once I was zipped and buttoned in, my photographer brought me my bouquet and fluffed the train of my dress. Trying to breathe, I stood in the middle of my mom and dad’s bedroom. I knew what was coming next. I knew it might be the first tears of the day.

My mom shuffled out of the room to check on last minute details while my photographer left to get my dad. I stood there, looking down at my bouquet trying to keep my composure. I knew my dad might be feeling as nervous as I did. We had both talked about this day since I was little – since I was innocently and youthfully convinced that I’d just marry daddy so I never had to leave him.

My photographer snuck back in through the door and quickly closed it. I knew that Dad was on the other side by the way she hurriedly shuffled through. She looked at me smiling and asked if I was ready. One more deep breath and a nod. I stared at the door determined not to cry yet but could already feel the heat rushing to my face.

I called out to my dad to give him permission to enter. He was already smiling, but I saw the moment it registered on his face that he saw me. His giddy grin turned into a beaming smile, which then melted into tears. He walked toward me and wrapped me so tight in his arms. Locked there, we both just sobbed. And he told me how beautiful I looked.

I could only hear our stifled sobs and breathy chuckles, and the click-click of my photographer’s camera. The images from that moment perfect capture everything. When we finally pulled away, it was just taking in every detail. Me checking out the pink tie I picked for him, and him rubbing my shoulder and taking in the details of my dress. Dad had really dressed up – even put on a gold tie bar and his Tiger’s eye ring. For someone as plain dressed as my dad, I knew this attention to detail meant he was excited and really wanted to celebrate this occasion in a special way.

My Dad at our Daddy-Daughter First Look | Photo by Katelyn James Photography
My Dad and me at our Daddy-Daughter First Look | Photo by Katelyn James Photography

How to Plan Your Daddy-Daughter First Look

This is easily one of my favorite parts of a wedding day to capture. Not only does it brings back sweet memories of my own special moment with my dad, but I know I’m able to document that memory for so many other brides too.

As a wedding photographer, I do my best to make sure this moment is not rushed. If you have a close relationship with your dad, this should be a sweet time for the two of you. Here’s my recommendations to protect this time in your timeline to make it extra special!

Leave plenty of time in your wedding day timeline.

Nothing kills a sweet moment like running late. Wedding days fly by fast, take it from me! The nerves and emotion can make it seem even more fleeting. If you’re a daddy’s girl, be sure to pad your timeline with enough time to give you and your dad a special moment together. It may be your only moment alone to talk throughout the entire day.

I recommend at least 10-15 minutes set aside for this part of the day, with additional time to move to and from that location to the next part of the day.

Make it as private as it can be.

Decide between you and your dad who you want to be present for your First Look. Maybe you’re also close with your mom and want to allow her to stay to see it unfold. Or maybe she already got her special time with you and you want it to be just you two. Some brides are not that close with their dad and don’t mind bridesmaids still being in the room.

It’s all up to you! Make sure to think and talk through it together.

Wear the whole ensemble.

To give your dad the full effect of seeing his daughter as a bride, wear everything! Veil, jewelry, shoes, and hold the bouquet. I made the mistake of not wearing my veil, because I wanted to leave that for the aisle. (I later came to regret that decision when the veil fell out mid-aisle because it wasn’t pinned into my hair by my hair stylist.) Luckily my dad still reacted just as I expected. But this is your chance to show off the whole bridal look and get his reaction to everything at once!

I hope this post was helpful! I recognize not every bride has a great relationship with her father, or even gets the chance to have her father present on her wedding day. That said, there are ways to take these tips to have a special moment with the next closest father-figure or influence in your life and still experience many of the same emotions.

If you’d like more wedding planning tips, check out these posts next!

Calling all Daddy's girl brides!!

How to plan a Daddy-Daughter First Look on your wedding day. 

I share my own Dad's First Look story while also highlighting the tips I recommend for making this moment extra special. Make dad's day by including him in a special way on your wedding day.

Read my tips in the blog post here!

#DadsFirstLook #DaddyDaughterFirstLook #WeddingPlanningTips #VAWeddingPhotographer


When Taylor reached out about having me photograph her Hilton Head Island wedding, I could hardly believe it. Since marrying my husband, I’ve enjoyed annual trips to Hilton Head with my in-laws, who have been visiting for years. I’m not much of a beach person (love my lake life!) but the beauty of the low country made this a top bucket list place for photographing a future wedding. Kolby & Taylor made that a dream come true, as they lived their own dream day! On September 14 at the Omni Hilton Head Oceanfront Resort, Kolby & Taylor tied the knot – and I got to be a Hilton Head Island wedding photographer.

A Hilton Head Island Engagement

Kolby and Taylor met while they were in their respective professional programs. Kolby was attending Duke University for Physical Therapy. Taylor was attending law school at UNC Chapel Hill. They connected pre-Covid, stayed in contact all throughout, and finally met in person when they each returned to campus in August of 2020.

As a couple, they made a habit of exercising together every morning, taking walks and runs to talk about life and their goals. They also love visiting Hilton Head Island, where Taylor’s family lives. The beach is their happy place, where they both enjoy the sunshine and relaxation time. Kolby will listen to a podcast, and Taylor will read her books. They also like to play Spikeball, chat about life, and enjoy the water.

Fast forward a couple years. Kolby and Taylor would travel to spend a lot of time in Hilton Head, where Taylor’s family lives. After what Taylor thought was just a normal weekend visit, they went out to dinner, and her whole family decided to take a walk through a nice park on the water. While posing for pictures, Kolby got down on one knee! That park has now become a special place on the island for the two of them.

Their Hilton Head Island Wedding Day

Their wedding day was a source of some slight anxiety that week. Kevin and I decided to take a week to visit Hilton Head. We celebrated our second anniversary on the island. But the entire week, the weather was not kind to us. It was rainy, chilly, humid, and very few hours of actual sun the entire week. The forecast threatened much of the same miserable wedding for Kolby and Taylor’s big day.

To be clear: RAIN ON A WEDDING DAY IS OK. It’s unavoidable, and you can still get GORGEOUS images on a rainy day. I have plenty of proof of that from Zach & Camille’s wedding, Mary & Joey’s wedding, Kevin & Emma’s wedding, and so many more! My own wedding day still stands as the rainiest wedding I have ever attended, and I LOVE my wedding photos.

But I knew rain would add certain challenges based on their chosen Hilton Head Island wedding venues. Their ceremony was set for the beach at the Omni Hilton Head Oceanfront Resort. I selfishly wished, for the sake of my photos (and for Kolby & Taylor’s experience), that the sun would peek out even if just for the ceremony.

The Lord heard our prayers, because the entire day was fantastic weather!! Our only challenge was the intense wind on the beach, but even that couldn’t affect how beautiful the ceremony was. I shot quickly and took many photos of each shot to ensure we had at least one good option despite windswept hair and dresses.

Between the glorious, glowy sunlight and the wind, their portraits on the beach turned out to be so epic! Taylor’s dress flew dramatically in many of the shots. And her hair and makeup artist deserves a round of applause. Her updo survived and looked gorgeous even as the wind took the wispy pieces left out.

Highlights of the Day

There was so much to love about this wedding. On a personal note, it was my first wedding back in the saddle after giving birth to my daughter! (Birth story soon to come!) Despite worries of feeling a little rusty with postpartum brain fog, I’m feeling bold enough to say this was my favorite/best work yet! Here are some highlights you’ll want to seek out as you scroll:

A Dreamy Tower

Shoutout to Taylor’s friend and bridesmaid Jordan for showing me the tower room at Gull Island Manor, a short-term rental house in Sea Pines! I never would’ve known to wander up there, but it ended up being the dreamiest spot for details and Taylor’s getting ready photos! That light – *chef’s kiss*!

Lean Supplies And A Broken Ring Dish

For the couple’s wedding day details, I really didn’t bring a ton with me from my usually packed styling kit. We had to travel light to fit the essentials. What’s more, my favorite ring dish snapped in half when I dropped it going up the stone steps to the manor!

It was time to get creative. I actually ended up loving the look of my broken ring dish and decided to use it! I also found some dead palm foliage on the outer landscaping to feature in the flat lay of details. Paired with a wisp of Spanish moss, what once was a lean styling kit soon became true-to-location details that made the photos sing “Hilton Head Island wedding.” This just goes to show: Less is more. The less I have to work with in preparation for styling details has sometimes led to my most creative work!

A Touching Island Wedding Ceremony at the Omni Hilton Head Oceanfront Resort

Despite the crazy wind, we were all so grateful for beautiful sunlight during Kolby & Taylor’s wedding ceremony at the Omni Hilton Head Oceanfront Resort. Kolby & Taylor opted out of having a First Look, so I was dead set on getting Kolby’s reaction to seeing his beautiful bride. What I captured was one of the sweetest Groom reactions – instant happy tears as she came down from the dunes.

Another standout moment from their ceremony happened toward the end. Kolby’s dad officiated the ceremony. After a beautiful exchanging of the rings, and just before inviting the first kiss, he began choking up as he pronounced them husband and wife. It was so profound coming from a father (and now father-in-law). You could hear the soft “aww” reactions from the guests. That was such an emotional, happy moment!

Experience > Tradition

Kolby & Taylor planned a truly personal and intimate wedding reception at Gull Island Manor. It more so mimicked a dinner party than wedding reception. They hosted a warm cocktail hour with an open bar featuring their signature cocktails. Guests could explore the grounds while enjoying appetizers and getting their photo taken by the live painter commissioned to watercolor their portrait for a unique take-home gift.

When dinner was ready to start, guests descended to the lower tier of the garden overlooking the marsh. There, a long singular table was set with cheesecloth, candle sticks, place settings, and customized name plates made out of oyster shells.

The couple came down last, but there was no planned fanfare. They decided to forego the traditional dances and simply welcome guests to a laid back dinner serenaded by live musicians. This allowed the couple plenty of time to mingle with each guest and create special memories with the entire party, including a surprise visit from Keebler their dog. I absolutely loved this approach to a wedding celebration – and I could tell everyone else did too!

Final Thoughts From Kolby & Taylor’s Hilton Head Island Wedding

I’m so honored to have served as Kolby & Taylor’s wedding photographer. The entire experience was a dream for me – one that I hope opens the opportunity for even more chances to expand as an HHI wedding photographer. Their warmth and friendship was extended to me from the start, and their guests and family were a true delight to spend the day with.

I’ve begun asking couples to share what they love most about one another, and what excites them for marriage. Here’s how they answered.

What Taylor Loves Most About Kolby

“I love how devoted Kolby is to our little family. He is the most selfless person I know and would do anything to make things easier on others. He supports me emotionally and has the utmost patience when it comes to helping me navigate stressful situations, and he would do literally anything for our dog Keebler. Keebler gets to go to the dog park, walks, gets bones, pup cups, everything! He’s so spoiled because Kolby likes to take such good care of him.”

What Kolby Loves Most About Taylor

“I love how much Taylor guides and anchors me in our life. I am a very good-with-the-flow person which helps me stay optimistic and positive. However, I struggle sometimes with direction and focus because of this. Taylor has given me so much purpose in life and given me the direction for how I want my life to go. She is so ambitious and helps me make goals for ourselves that I would’ve never thought possible. Even in the few years I’ve known her, she’s helped me achieve goals and see a future I would’ve never thought possible for myself and for us.”

The Most Beautiful Thing About Marriage: According to Kolby & Taylor

“The most beautiful thing about marriage in my eyes is the commitment to stand by your partner no matter what life brings. My parents have had a long marriage and I admire the way that they’ve stuck by each other through every challenge. It’s easy to walk away from something when things become difficult but marriage is the commitment to another person to instead engage with them and work through the issues instead of walking away. In my eyes, marriage is beautiful because its permanent.”

K&T, I wish you both so much happiness in your marriage. Enjoy your honeymoon in Europe!!

If you love my work and you’re considering getting married in Hilton Head Island, or another destination in the southern East Coast, I would love to chat! I am based in the DC area but travel often for weddings. Contact me for more information!

Vendor Shoutouts

I was honored to work alongside a vendor dream team, consisting of the following talent:

Kolby & Taylor's Intimate Wedding at Gull Island Manor on Hilton Head Island | A wide shot of Gull Island Manor, available for short-term rental via VRBO

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